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Executive Development Programs
Evidence-based marketing
dates of programs start
3 modules [3+3+2 days]
10:00 - 18:00
72 000 uah
Evidence-based marketing
Figure out how to establish a touchpoint system in order to achieve the business goals of the company.
The audience of the program is marketers and marketing directors, CEOs with a focus on marketing who strive to
formulate business goals for digital marketing and understand what indicators to focus on
set up a digital customer interaction system in accordance with the overall marketing strategy
understand consumer behavior and learn how to research it
build an effective digital strategy for the business during the program
What does the Program provide?
understanding of the fundamental marketing laws, key approaches in behavioral economics and neuromarketing
reliance points to find the most effective interaction points with the client according to the company's strategy
ability to integrate digital into the overall marketing strategy
introduction to methods of customer behavior research based on evidential marketing
identification of communication and analytics tools that best align with overall marketing goals
ability to distinguish influential trends among fleeting hype
The structure of the program
Program philosophy

During the program, we look at marketing from an evidence-based perspective, talk about digital as part of strategic marketing, and learn how to integrate it into the overall strategy in a very precise way.


How to effectively strategize, especially in uncertainty, and how to use digital channels to obtain the best results? Do brands need to stand out and, if so, how exactly? How to avoid overloading the consumer with the complexity of positioning and what do contemporary research methods look like? What does building a digital ecosystem mean?


This is an interactive and theoretical process where over the course of three modules we work, learn, listen, interact, and develop a strategy draft.


Fundamental marketing laws
October 2024

  • Fundamental marketing laws - changing decision-making paradigms. 
  • Recent marketing challenges - behavioral and neuroeconomics questions.
  • Evidence-based marketing: how a brand works today. Brand development model.
  • Consumer's journey to make a purchase decision. Value proposition canvas methodology and consumer decision journey as the basis of digital strategy.
  • Key performance indicators at each stage of CDJ. Monitoring and analysis tools.
  • Understanding consumer insight. The nuances of the Jobs to be done methodology for identifying consumer insights.


Homework: Design a customer journey to purchase for your own brand. Consumer Decision Journey and Value Proposition Canvas.

Module 2
Hierarchy of objectives in marketing
November 2024

  • Homework analysis following the first module.
  • Levels of goals. The digital ecosystem is a union of the moment of contact, content, and touchpoints.
  • Choosing touchpoints with consumers: content formats, placements, promotion methods according to different stages of the Consumer Decision Journey.
  • Image and performance marketing: differences, scenarios of use, and business objectives.
  • Components of effective communication.
  • A comprehensive overview of the most common digital marketing tools: website, SEO, contextual advertising, mailing list. Sequence, KPIs, results analysis.
  • New tools: business tasks, scenarios of use, and analysis of results. Influential trends and fleeting hype.
  • When is it worth hiring agencies and working with them to get results?


Homework for Module 3: Choosing points of digital interaction with the audience for your own brand according to Consumer Decision Journey.

Draft strategy and feedback from professors
December 2024

  • Homework analysis after the 2nd module.
  • KPIs structure and business results tracking.
  • Digital trends and what to do with them. 
  • Strategy building for the selected brand/company in groups.

Roman Havrysh more details
Adjunct professor
Mariya Kochmaruk more details
Visiting professor
Anastasiia Pustylnyk more details
Visiting professor
What do you need to attend?
Application form
fill out the online application form
speak with the Program Manager
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