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Executive Development Programs
Business reputation management
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2 Days [online]
18000 uah
Business reputation management
What does the founder and top team need to know about the PR function and systematic business reputation management?
The program's audience:
Business owners and top executives who want to master the skills of effective corporate and brand communications
Heads and managers of communication departments of companies, public and governmental organizations
During the program, we will deal with the following questions:
How is corporate reputation formed, destroyed, and affects business results?
How to build effective cooperation between PR, marketing, HR, security, and production/customer service functions to build and protect corporate reputation?
How does the CEO influence the formation and protection of your business reputation?
What contribution should top executives make to building corporate reputation?
How to communicate effectively and what to do to ensure that your business is known, understood and trusted by the target audiences you need (media, social networks, government, partners, investors, etc.)?
What should be done if your business is misinterpreted by the media and social networks, and how can you form the right opinion about your company?
How to protect your business from information manipulation and loss of reputation?
The structure of the program
Day 1
Who builds a business reputation and how?
October 24, 10:00 - 18:00

The concept of reputation, its components and approaches to management

  • The role and peculiarities of building trust in business in modern conditions: Ukrainian and global trends.
  • How is reputation “measured” and what components does it “decompose” into?
  • How to include reputation management in the business management process: what is a “reputation profile”?
  • The relationship between information, reputation and behavior of target audiences. Main communication tools and structure of PR strategy.
  • Who/what builds and destroys a company's reputation: inside and outside the company?

The role of communications in business management

  • Corporate communications: role and tasks within the business strategy, relationship with corporate governance.
  • Corporate history: importance, tasks, structure, features. 

Day 2
Which people and organizations do businesses need to have an open dialog with?
October 25, 10:00 - 18:00

Peculiarities of the “post-truth” media field and its impact on the ability of businesses to manage their reputation

  • The role of online sources in business reputation management. 
  • Information policy, management of the company's information flow, and the optimal number of public speakers. 
  • “Closed” and ‘open’ information about the company. Pros and cons of the publicity of the company's first person. 
  • Marketing, advertising and PR: what can and cannot be achieved with their help? 

Peculiarities of presenting information in the public domain about the company and its activities. 

  • Working with influence groups Interaction of the company with internal and external groups of influence. 
  • Working with employees as carriers of corporate reputation.

Maryna Starodubska more details
Adjunct professor
Viktoria Sydorenko more details
Visiting professor
Kateryna Kovalyuk more details
Visiting professor
What do you need to attend?
Application form
Fill out the online application form
Speak with the Program Manager
18000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Evelina Hryhor
EDP program manager
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