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Executive Development Programs
Internal communications and corporate culture. Strategic level.
dates of programs start
2 modules 2 days each
10:00 - 18:00
36 000 uah
Internal communications and corporate culture. Strategic level.
From Mission and Values to Dialogue and Engagement.
Program's Target Audience: managers and business owners who decide
how to properly inform the top management and employees about "where we’re heading and why"
how to set up a coordinated interaction between different departments and functions of the company
how to approach communication systematically and ensure communication of current and correct information, as well as timely feedback
What does the Program provide?
understanding the goals, capabilities and role of internal communications for different business tasks
principles of building systemic and effective communications
understanding how to evaluate the assess communication system in your company
fundamentals of planning, implementation and evaluation of internal communications
approaches and tools for communicating the company's mission, values and achievements to its employees
criteria for choosing a communication strategy to transform the business
The structure of the program
Module 1
Internal communications as "internal circulatory system"
November 19-20, 2024

  • Key trends in internal communications in Ukraine and globally.
  • The role of internal communications in supporting business strategy. Goals, value, opportunities, limitations.
  • Key functions/roles involved in creating and maintaining an internal communications system in a company.
  • Communicating corporate mission and values through internal communications: why, how often, in what ways.
  • What if values “don't work”? The way values affect employee involvement and types of involvement.
  • Psychological contract: whether real interests of employees and a company coincide. The concept and practical application.
  • Targeting during internal communications: how they affect business results.
  • How to connect interests of employees with business tasks: algorithm and approach to communications?
  • The influence of corporate culture on internal communications and its building around the dominant values and patterns of behavior in the company.
  • Classification of corporate cultures according to Beck-Cowan Theory, according to which corporate culture is a “mirror” reflecting real values of the owners and management of the company.
  • Case study on the relationship between business objectives, employee interests, employee attitudes and behavior, and internal communications messages.
  • Employer brand building and Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
  • The role of the manager in effectively communicating business tasks to employees; within the system of internal business communications (differences depending on whether the manager is also a business owner).
  • What is business reputation, why it starts with the owner, top management, and how it determines the effectiveness of internal communications?
  • The role and place of the employer's brand in the business’s reputation profile and its components.
  • What is EVP and how it differs from "employer brand"?
  • The role of employees in creating and destroying a company's brand.
  • What are the channels of internal communications and how they differ based on purpose?
  • Audience segmentation: do different age and professional categories of employees need different channels and formats?
  • The role of top officers in internal communications.
  • Corporate media: features, formats, efficiency. Dialog formats of internal communications
  • External forums and social networks as a channel of internal communications.
  • Common problems of internal communications, which the management should be aware of.
  • Case study on the elaboration of recommendations for changing corporate culture and communicating a new approach to work (changing a destructive culture at the middle management level).

Module 2
Internal communications: tools, channels, formats, and research.
December 3-4, 2024

  • Formal and informal channels of internal communications, the optimal "mix", peculiarities, recommendations.
  • Rumors in the process of corporate transformations and how to deal with them.
  • The minimum required set of channels to maintain internal communications in a company.
  • Corporate resources (media, intranet, social media groups): how they work, approaches to content creation and attracting people.
  • Storytelling in internal communications: plots, approaches, applications in various formats and channels.
  • Common mistakes in internal communications during adoption of changes.
  • The role of the manager and business owner in communicating the transformation processes to employees.
  • Correct presentation of changes: leitmotif, legend, strategy, plan, channels, content, measurement of results.
  • Specifics of communication of unpopular measures: reducing the number of employees, deterioration of the market, etc.
  • How to properly involve employees in the change process and what to do if involvement is low?
  • Case study and subsequent discussion so as to develop recommendations regarding effectiveness of internal communication channels.
  • How to set goals and metrics for internal communications research?
  • How to correctly interpret the results of internal communications research?
  • Peculiarities of research on values and corporate culture.
  • How to plan and implement change based on the results of research including involvement of business management?
  • Types of feedback collection formats.
  • How to start collecting feedback in a company?
  • How to correctly interpret research data on trust, involvement, and employee satisfaction?
  • What to do when employees do not want to give feedback or provide false feedback?
  • How to collect feedback when the company does not yet do research and employee surveys?
  • Case study and subsequent discussion to develop recommendations regarding effectiveness of internal communication channels.

Maryna Starodubska more details
Adjunct professor
Viktoria Sydorenko more details
Olena Kukhar more details
Visiting professor
Kateryna Duboyska more details
Diana Kladova more details
What do you need to attend?
Application form
fill out the online application form
talk to the Program Manager
36 000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Evelina Hryhor
EDP program manager
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