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Executive Development Programs
To the owner about finances
dates of programs start
2 days
10:00 - 18:00
20 000 uah
To the owner about finances
Building a financial system that informs the manager in real time about the state of the business.
Audience Programs are owners and directors of companies who
think about how to build a financial system so that it informs in real time about the state of business
plan to set up the financial system in a timely and reliable manner to signal failures or losses of efficiency
looking for a way to make the financial system as owner-friendly as possible by providing simple and easy-to-use interfaces
The program provides the opportunity:
to have a holistic view of the management accounting system
to rebuild the financial system so it provides real-time insight into the state of the business
tto create a common understanding of the company's success indicators for the tops
The structure of the program
November 4
Day 1
10:00 - 18:00
Strategic finance, financial system, financial reporting

  • Digitizing company goals.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the company's strategic goals and their digitalization.
  • Managing your company for digital purposes.
  • Formulation of financial reporting system.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) is a new definition in modern management.

November 5
Day 2
10:00 - 18:00
Financial diagnostics, basics of management accounting

  • Establishing a system of financial diagnostics and monitoring of the company's activity.
  • Evaluation of company performance on a monetary basis.
  • Economic Value Added (EVA) as a resultant indicator of a business's economic performance.
  • What the financial indicators tell the owner of the company.
  • Establishment of an enterprise accounting system.

Oleksii Gavrysh more details
Adjunct professor
To enter, you must:
Application form
fill in the application form on the site
talk to the program manager
Participation confirmation
booking a place in the group is made by payment
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