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Executive Development Programs
The Harvard Negotiation Model: Finding Solutions and Keeping Relationships
dates of programs start
3 modules for 3 days
9:30 - 18:00
54 000 uah
The Harvard Negotiation Model: Finding Solutions and Keeping Relationships
Developed based on the Harvard negotiation model, taking into account the specifics of Ukraine and teachers’ own experience in negotiating interests, including as intermediaries (mediators).
The program is recommended for everyone who
seeks to develop their ability to make creative decisions based on the interests of negotiators
wants to learn to recognize different models of negotiations and to change negotiations with zero result or positional bargaining on the model of the talks on interests
wants to gain additional value in negotiations, in the long run, using the ability to combine different interests and find optimal solutions for each party
prefers conflict-free communication and understands the value and "value" of relationships
What does the program provide?
participants will develop practical. Skills to get the maximum value instead of being satisfied with a bit of compromise
it aims to gain knowledge on the negotiation model by interests, practice skills of working with elements of the model, practice techniques of negotiators, and practice skills of managing the negotiation process
The structure of the program
Module 1
Familiarity with the elements of the model of interest negotiations
March 29-31

The main issues of the first module:

1. Models of negotiations

Types of negotiation models. 7 elements of the Harvard negotiation model.

2. The element of Relationship

Trust as a resource. Emotions in negotiations. Working with triggers.

3. Element Communication

Working with judgments and assumptions.

4. Element of Interest

Types of interests. Three interest groups. Identification of goods and algorithms for further work with them.

4. Item Options

Influence of interests on the development of solutions. Impact on the choice of the other party

5. Element Criteria

Objective criteria. Objectification of the subjective

6. The Alternative element

An alternative as an option outside the negotiating table. BATNA. The minimum acceptable result. Strengthen your choices and reduce the strength of the other party's alternative. Strength in negotiations.

7. Obligation element

Basic requirements for commitment to realism, specificity, ability to perform, etc.

8. Negotiator technique

Work with issues, the balance of topics, and arguments in negotiations. Rehash. Summary.

9. The structure of the negotiation process

The structure of the negotiation process. Preparation for negotiations.


Module 2
Negotiation techniques for the development of three groups of negotiation skills
April 19-21

  • Content skills

Separation of interests from positions. Expanding the field of interest. Errors in working with interests. Analysis of the choice of the other party. Calculation of alternatives. Framing is a technique of working with information and perception management. The reformulation technique is an opportunity to eliminate the toxic form of the message and leave the content. The method of separating a person from the problem as an opportunity to separate the emotional and rational in negotiations.

  • Process management skills

Information, participants, time, place. Negotiation process design. Multilateral negotiations. Agreement. Checking arrangements for realism.

Module 3
Deepening knowledge of the elements of the model of interest negotiations
May 10-12

The main issues of the third module

1. Models for finding optimal solutions

Finding added value and choosing options by prioritizing interests. Nash's equilibrium. Pareto equilibrium.

2. Relationships and trust

Dealing with resistance and objections. Influence on beliefs. Techniques for working with emotions (own and negotiating partners). Trust: what to do if the level of trust is low.

3. The element of communication

Working with information on a nonverbal level.

4. Difficult negotiations

How to turn "no" into "yes”. Multilateral negotiations: building coalitions. Negotiations in the company: development of cooperation competence

Galyna Eremenko more details
Adjunct professor
Олена Ткаченко more details
What do you need to enter?
Application form
application form Harvard negotiation model: find solutions and maintain relationships
talk to the program manager
54 000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Oleksandra Proshynska
Manager of the Ukrainian Center for Mediation
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