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Leadership vs management
Leadership vs management
Leadership vs management
EMBA-38 participants discussed leadership in management and leadership management with father, Andrii Zelinsky.

"Leadership is not management," — with this statement, he began his lecture of the lecture "Leadership. Creative practices" for the EMBA-38 group Andriy Zelinskyi, priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, military chaplain, political scientist, publicist, co-founder of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy.

Leadership and management are two different things, although they are related. Managers can perform the functions of leaders, but they do not always have the skills and qualities of leaders. A manager position may indicate that a person has enough knowledge and experience to manage projects or teams, but it does not guarantee that he is a leader.

According to Father Andrii, leadership begins with the individual, not with the position in the organization. Leaders have a vision, the ability to generate innovative ideas, and the ability to engage and motivate others to achieve common goals.

Leadership differs from management in that the leader sets the course, unites the team, and motivates them to achieve the goal. At the same time, managers are more focused on organizing the process and controlling the execution of tasks. A leader knows that only if their team works together can they achieve the maximum result, and each team member has a potential that can be unlocked. And the leader's task is to help subordinates develop and reveal their capabilities. And the leader always says "we" instead of "I."

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