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"The creator of history. Cases of Prykarpattia": field module of kmbs graduates
"The creator of history. Cases of Prykarpattia": field module of kmbs graduates
"The creator of history. Cases of Prykarpattia": field module of kmbs graduates
From August 11 to 14, graduates of kmbs MBA programs participated in the post-MBA module "Creator of History. Cases of Prykarpattia"

They spent four prosperous days in a circle of like-minded people with the academic support of kmbs dean Oleksandr Savruk, had meetings with creators and activists from various fields, and, through work with their cases, touched the DNA of Ukrainian culture in all its key dimensions: scientific, military, historical, aesthetic, literary, intellectual, ethical, religious.

The module started in Ivano-Frankivsk, a city where the traditions of the Hutsul region, Boykiv region, Opillya, and Pokuttia are combined. The peculiarity of Ivano-Frankivsk is that its strategy from the very beginning was maximum openness and involvement of all existing communities: Ukrainians, Armenians, Jews, and Germans. The intersection of cultures created a unique development environment for the city, where differences were seen as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. The module participants discussed this during the excursion with the literary critic and translator Yurko Prokhasky.

Also, on the first day, members of the kmbs community visited the academic, regional music, and drama theater named after Ivan Franko and talked with its director Rostyslav Derzypilskyi. In his opinion, the activity of the theater can be viewed as the interaction of various players, including the state (represented by the Ministry of Culture). And the theater itself is a unique phenomenon — a platform for almost all other types of art: literature, music, visual art, etc.

The current situation was also touched upon in the conversation. In particular, they tried to understand the phenomenon of Ukrainian leadership, which has manifested itself now, surprising the world public and ourselves. First, we realized we are a nation of heroes, not victims. And this war should finally confirm this opinion.

The second day was memorable for the module participants with a visit to Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University. Together with the rector, they discussed the university's role in broader systems — the city, the region, the country. And again, it was about interaction with other players and ways to build sustainable relationships. "In working with international partners, we must, first of all, show what value we can create for them, what we can be interesting for the international community," said rector Ihor Tsependa.

Another acquaintance with incredible actors occurred at the Vyhoda school for visually impaired children. It is headed by a Graduate School of Educational Managers, Oksana Yakymiv. Despite all circumstances, this institution has provided education and adaptation for children who need it for 70 years. About 100 children study at the school annually, and its managers are an example of our personal leadership.

Sports orientation in Dovbush Rocks became an exercise in personal leadership (as well as incorrect assessment of the situation and speed of decision-making). That was the end of the second day of the post-MBA module.

And already in the morning of the next day, the participants found themselves in the village of Kryvorivnia, known in particular for the fact that among its temporary residents were Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, Hnat Khodkevich. And Serhiy Paradzhanov filmed "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" here. What is unique about this village? This was discussed at meetings with several exciting personalities.

In particular, they talked about human values ​​and virtues with Father Ivan Rybaruk, the abbot of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kryvorivna. And with Ivan Zelenchuk, an ethnographer and researcher of the Hutsul Region, about the durability of the tradition of dialogues in the village. Famous Ukrainians who lived in Kryvorivna lived in the homes of ordinary peasants and communicated with them a lot, which positively affected the general cultural tradition.

On the last day of the module, the participants visited two more villages. First, they saw the town of Velikiy Klyuchiv, where the restored UPA hideout operates. It is a "place of strength" for local communities and a haven for local festivals of rebel songs. The topic of conversation during this visit was the traditions of popular resistance and how they were passed down from generation to generation.

And Tyshkivci attracted the module participants because they are the family village of the Shukhevych family. So, in the Shukhevychs' house, the conversation about forming intergenerational ties and constructing a community of like-minded people continued.

Over four days, the participants of the post-MBA module developed their understanding of the nature of personal leadership. And every meeting and new place added new elements to this "puzzle" and helped us reflect on what our past leaders were like and what we will be like. Why?

Because "kmbs graduates must be ready for their role as a management elite, which today holds the country's infrastructure, which creates both actual value and the future of the state," believes kmbs dean Oleksandr Savruk.

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