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“The team of leaders should be united by a common Idea that inspires, drives and encourages the development of leadership qualities", – Andriy Holimbovsky
“The team of leaders should be united by a common Idea that inspires, drives and encourages the development of leadership qualities", – Andriy Holimbovsky
On February 10, during Top Talks, management and logistics were discussed with Andriy Golimbovsky, General Director, Ekol Logistics Ukraine.

On February 10, almost 100 participants (most of them online) joined the discussion with Andriy Golimbovsky within the framework of Top Talks.

Andriy shared insights from 20 years of experience in logistics and described how the processes were organized in Ekol Logistics – a company from TOP-3 logistics providers in Ukraine with an annual turnover of about UAH 600 million.

The event was moderated by Eduard Maltsev, kmbs teacher and head of Presidents' MBA.

Remarkable quotes from the discussion:

·       When we join efforts with partners, we create more value that otherwise cannot be created. For example, the partner has the competencies we need, and this allows us to optimize the service cost for the client. The latter gets the best service in terms of both quality and price.

·       We treat partnerships strategically – it's long-term cooperation. Therefore, it is important that partners share our values, approaches, and philosophy. Otherwise, cooperation will bring to a deadlock, expectations will drift apart from reality.

·       In Ukraine, each logistics operator is unique. We are not competitors, but rather colleagues united by a common goal, as the market is immature, and the potential for development is incredible. Moreover, we believe that our competitor can be our client. And how to “compete” with your potential client? For these reasons, we have to create better logistics solutions than he can create himself :)

·       The team is one of the key pillars of Ekol Logistics Ukraine. If we talk about executives – they all are leaders, as this is an element of our culture. We evolve from a vertical formal structure to a horizontal one – we unite around projects, so everyone can play different roles, in particular – step into the shoes of a leader.

·       The team of leaders should be united by a common Idea that inspires, drives and encourages the development of leadership qualities. If such does not exist, or it is not global enough (does not catch), or people do not understand it, – then it is a problem. Therefore, I advise you to start the creation of a leadership culture by looking for a global idea.

TOP Talks is a series of discussions with top executives of leading Ukrainian companies. Follow the announcements of the next Top Talks on the Events page and kmbs on the social networks.

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