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Lights in memory of Dr. Carl Zininger
Lights in memory of Dr. Carl Zininger
The famous scientist Carl Zininger, who was a member of the Advisory Board of the Kyiv Mohyla Business School and an Honorary Professor of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, died.

On March 22, 2019, famous scientist Carl Zininger, who was a member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an honorary professor of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and holding a medal of St. Peter the Tomb, departed for another world.

Karl H. Zaininger was a Ph.D. in engineering at the US Academy of Sciences. In 1975, he founded and chaired Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. in the United States and was its president for 15 years.

He was the founder and CEO of Global Technology Management Partnerships and taught at Princeton, Pennsylvania and California Universities. His first 20 professional years were spent in RCA research laboratories. Dr. Zininger has also worked on many U.S. government projects, including U.S. programs. Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory and Solar Energy Research Institute.

Carl Zininger was a member of the Advisory Board of the Kyiv Mohyla Business School for about 10 years, made many efforts to develop business education in Ukraine and worked closely with the School. He also devoted a lot of time to students of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and other universities.

He has repeatedly said: "Here in America, lives a German Karl Zininger who loves Ukraine and wants to help it."

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