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Collaboration in the ecosystem
Collaboration in the ecosystem
During a two-week international training module in Estonia and Sweden, Presidents' MBA kmbs participants explored the entrepreneurial ecosystems of these countries.

Outreach modules are one of the formats for kmbs MBA programs that allow participants to get involved in the world's best business practices, learn how to deal with new challenges in the era of open systems, and transform their own perceptions through immersion in the cultural context of other countries.

During a two-week international training module in Estonia and Sweden, Presidents' MBA kmbs participants explored the business ecosystems of these countries. They met with representatives of KTI (Royal Technology Institute of Sweden), Kista Science City - Stockholm Silicon Valley, with business Unicorns such as TransferWise, Taxify, Starship Technologies. They also worked on the Impact Hub, Tehnopol Startup Incubator and other business incubators in the region.
The business ecosystems of Sweden and Estonia work with the Triple Helix Model concept. This model is about mutually beneficial cooperation and quality coordination of actions of all key players: business, universities and the state. The city mayor Anna König Jermyrl (Anna Konig Gerlmirl) told the participants about how it is being implemented in Stockholm.

Today, a new system of interaction called Quadruple Helix Model is gaining momentum in European countries, with another player being added - civil society and the media. The idea is that interaction between players not only generates innovation, but also benefits the society and takes into account its needs.

More details on the observations and conclusions of the module participants can be found in the articles Triple Cooperation: The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Sweden and Estonia: The Entrepreneurial Landscape.

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