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Last week, the Executive MBA-40 group had another training module dedicated to financial and economic modeling and business analytics.
Finance and analytics: EMBA-40 training continues
Finance and analytics: EMBA-40 training continues
Last week, the Executive MBA-40 group had another training module dedicated to financial and economic modeling and business analytics.

The participants were engaged in risk management, economic engineering, and management accounting and also dealt with analytical tools for improving business efficiency.

Together with Oleksiy Gerashchenko, the EMVA-40 group researched how to obtain information from companies' financial statements and learned how to analyze this data. Mr. Oleksiy talked about how the reporting of international and Ukrainian businesses can differ in practice. In particular, there are often detailed comments in the reports of foreign companies, while it is difficult to find public reporting for our companies and, most likely, there will be no notes in it.

It was also about assets and their value. As the teacher said, there are almost no significant tangible assets in modern business; intangible assets prevail. Asset value is a very volatile category that fluctuates depending on changes in the situation, company performance, and reputation.

Yevhen Pentsak told EMBA-40 participants about analytical tools for improving business efficiency. They learned that each CEO creates a specific footprint in the form of financial results that determine the company's value. Business is also affected by various external factors, from pandemic to war. All of them affect analytics. If there is no influence on the financial indicators, it will be tough to forecast. In this way, participants will learn about such types of analysis as factor analysis, predictive analysis, and optimization analysis - and why they are helpful for business.

Mr. Yevhen also touched on the topic of the value of business. In particular, the idea is that the more opportunities a company has, the higher its value. And analytics can become an additional source of value: if a company knows how to receive new data and work with it, it has an advantage.

The training module, as always, was full of information, reflections, and discussions. So, the participants will have something to think about while preparing for the next one.

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