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MBAF-14 participants continue their studies
MBAF-14 participants continue their studies
From December 15 to 18, the Master in Business Analytics and Finance-14 group gathered for the next learning module. Traditionally for the current times, it took place in a mixed format: some of the participants were on the floor, and some joined online.

Together with the head of the MBAF program Yevhen Pentsak, the group continued studying the course "Business Decision Making." In particular, the participants learned about the evolution of money, starting with the first paper money that was created in China in 1375. It was assumed that this money would exist forever, but in 1425, it ceased to exist.

The cause of the collapse was a lack of trust. Overall, as Yevhen says, paper money is, first of all, trust. "And in general, all investments are about trust. All other components follow trust. Cryptocurrencies are also about trust. When you trust an exchange, you can place your money there. Trust is at the heart of all corporate finance: shares, bonds, etc.," he continues. "Money is the only trust system created by people. Due to money, even people who do not trust each other can actively cooperate."

The group also started several new courses. In particular, Oksana Komarnytska, a financial director with vast experience, immersed the participants in financial management. During the very first lecture, they already began investigating the P&L reports of companies like Tesla and Pfizer and the financial indicators.

Cryptocurrency expert Stanislav Podyachev started the course "Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain," which is highly relevant in the current conditions, and Olena Baryshnikova - started the course "Basics of Managerial Accounting for Optimal Financial Decisions." "We think that we are dealing exclusively with indicators - but we are dealing with people," said Olena. "People work in business, people produce results, and we have to monitor whether these results align with what we expected."

Together with Yevhen Volkovskyy, the group started to master the course "Stock Markets, their Infrastructure, and Trading." Yevhen talked about the structure of this market, the massive importance of speed for "short" trades, the psychology of traders, and much more.

Since this module was pre-Christmas, the group also participated in a pleasant activity – a master class on making chocolate gifts from Lviv Handmade Chocolate. We wish the MBAF-14 group a warm Christmas, and we look forward to meeting them at kmbs again for the next module!

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