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kmbs has joined the UN Global Compact
kmbs has joined the UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is an initiative that conveys Sustainable Development Goals and is a discussion platform for business, investors, civil society, labour organizations, local governments and governments.

At the beginning of January, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School became an official participant of the UN Global Compact.

As a business community in which Ukrainian leaders are growing, we have been promoting Sustainable Development Goals for many years, as we recognize the importance of developing a gene of responsibility among managers.

The School programs are built with a view of the concept of responsible leadership implemented through the development of systematic and strategic thinking of Ukrainian business owners and top managers. During the course of the training, participants become aware that their business does not exist in a vacuum and start looking at the broader context of their business development strategy.

This is also facilitated by the humanitarian component of MBA programs. During meetings with prominent modern thinkers takes place personal transformation of managers. And this allows us to take a different look at familiar things and find new meanings in a personal activity. By the way, it is during these meetings that most of our alumni patronage initiatives are born, which kmbs gratefully supports.

At the end of last year, we also became an educational partner of the Young SDG Innovators program, thanks to which young Ukrainian leaders will be able to create projects for their own companies based on Sustained Development Goals. kmbs graduates, in turn, volunteer to become mentors for the young innovators. 

Systematic work of the School in this direction is not a coincidence. The business school in the context of the wider system bears a great responsibility and, at the same time, has an ambitious goal to promote sustainable business development and form modern Ukrainian leaders by means of qualitative education.

By joining the UN Global Compact, we obtained the support of the international community, an opportunity to participate in partner projects and initiatives, as well as access to a basis of practical knowledge that will help us integrate sustainable development principles into Ukrainian companies. 

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