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Management education at the crossroads: kmbs at the annual CEEMAN conference
Management education at the crossroads: kmbs at the annual CEEMAN conference
Management education at the crossroads: kmbs at the annual CEEMAN conference
The 29th annual conference of the Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) was held from September 22 to 24 in Trieste, Italy.

This year it took place in a hybrid format: offline  at the MIB Trieste School of Management, and virtually  for those participants who, due to the pandemic, could not fly to Italy. Olena Zhyltsova, Head of Executive MBA program, was able to attend the conference in person and represent kmbs at this global event.

This is not the first time that the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School participates in CEEMAN conferences, as it is a member of this association and is an active participant in the rich life of the international community of business schools.

The topic of this year’s conference was the future of management education and possible ways of its development. Representatives of various business schools spoke about this: they shared the business, political and social context of their country, discussed individual experience and experience of cooperation with other institutions. Business representatives, particularly heads of influential Italian companies were also invited to share their expectations from educational institutions and business schools.

Olena had the opportunity to attend many discussions and speeches, and shared her impressions, “We can highlight several cross-cutting themes that were mentioned in almost every speech. First, business demand for the development of innovation potential and the role that business schools can and should play in such development.

Second, the technologicalization and responsibility of business education in the processes of digital transformation of society and economy. Third, the post-pandemic world  with information overload, high-stress levels, a significant factor of unpredictability. What capabilities become pivotal for the manager? Isn’t it time to rethink the concepts of “crisis,” “change,” “development”? Fourth, the importance of cultural and philosophical courses in the structure of educational programs for managers.

What is important to note  kmbs has long outlined these challenges for itself and is working successfully with them. So, it was nice not only to listen but also to share practices with colleagues while working in groups and informal communication.”

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