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Strengthening micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises business membership organizations project
Strengthening micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises business membership organizations project
Strengthening micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises business membership organizations project
Another two-day learning module in frames of the Phase II of Swiss-Ukrainian UNDP Project took place in kmbs

On December 3 and 4, the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School hosted the third two-day learning module for leaders of business membership organizations (BMOs) in frames of the Strengthening micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) business membership organizations project: Phase II launched by the UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and with the financial support of Switzerland. The Project objective is to accelerate the development of the MSMEs sector in Ukraine by strengthening the capacities of the BMOs.

The training for leaders began with a lecture by Olena Sapozhkova on Advocacy and Governance of BMOs. "Governance is the creation of rules, a certain choice of direction", said Olena Advocacy is activities aimed at representing and protecting the interests of individual social groups by organizing influence on the formation and implementation of state (public) policy".

The expert spoke about the so-called good governance and stressed that today there are 12 mandatory principles that form it: fair elections, responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, openness and transparency, rule of law, ethical behavior, competence, innovation, sustainability, professionalism. financial management, human rights and accountability.

"The ability to raise money is a talent, but some say it's a craft", said Veronika Verba, a kmbs teacher. During the lecture with the expert on the Financial Aspects of the Operation and Development of BOs, participants discussed possible sources of funding, resources for the development of BOs, budgeting principles, and gender impact on the financing and operation of business associations.

The second day of the training module for business association leaders at kmbs began with a lecture by Eduard Maltsev on Business Association Management. “What is management for you?” Eduard Maltsev, Deputy Dean of kmbs, asked the audience, initiating a lively discussion. Management system, strategy and situation, goals and tools, culture of responsibility, rules, sustainability  answered the participants.

“Management is a complex concept aimed at  finding a way to move together. And it is “ to touch" all the relevant components (people in organizations), suggested Eduard  And only then, given the situational stories, we are to keep the way we are moving to the way we agreed". Participants immediately mastered the acquired knowledge in practice and worked in teams to understand the role of the BOs (mission as a purpose), its needs and values that it creates.


Leaders also had the opportunity to speak with Amélie Leclercq, BPW Europe's WeGate project representative, which supports women entrepreneurs. “Our organization is, first of all, about lobbying. Secondly, we support members in developing their own careers or businesses, avoiding gender inequality”, said  Amelie We stand for feminism. However, for us, this concept is interpreted as equality of responsibilities and competencies".


"Marketing is about the values that help to gather participants", said Olena Maltseva during her lecture on Strategic Marketing. She stressed that marketing is not about "selling" but about "finding a customer". After all, in business, as in life, it is important what people feel close to you. Together with the audience, they discussed the purpose of the proposal, what the proposal should be, as well as how to effectively deliver the proposal and achieve the goals of the organization.


At the end of the first and second training days, the leaders of the business associations had two open evening events within the framework of the Ukrainian-Swiss UNDP Project. On December 3, Vita Dumanska, leader of the CHESNO (HONEST) Movement and participant of the Executive MBA-36, visited the school as part of a series of lectures "My business is my country". "The organization’s recognition should not be just media one", said Vita Dumanska It must be converted into influence, that is, to have a mission and a vision".


On Saturday, December 4, the Project participants had the opportunity to talk with Liudmyla Zubko, an entrepreneur and Deputy of the Zhytomyr City Council, as part of a series of evening lectures "State and Business". Lyudmila shared her own experience of implementing social and cultural initiatives at the Business-State-Community intersection such as “Safe Business”, “Safe School”, “Music Camp International” and others. She also spoke about the role of business in the development and preservation of cultural heritage and why it is important.


"Start building small groups that will make people stay in your organizations", Liudmyla Zubko urged the audience.  People want to get energy, and for this they need to talk about their roots. Only a common palette of values will help you build a strategy”.


On December 6, kmbs also hosted the second sub-module "Business Development Services" for BMOs representatives  as part of the online component of the training program. In total, more than fifty people joined the program. Participants had the opportunity to listen to lectures on Governance, Ganagement, Marketing and Financial Aspects of the operation and development of BOs.


“I really enjoy studying here. The key point is a lot of insights that can be used in practice, shared his impressions Vasyl Masyuk, a UNDP Project participant.  "It's not a bare theory, but rather implementation methods, a toolkit".


So we want our participants to increase this toolkit and strengthen their own business organizations!

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