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On May 14, participants finished the first level of program for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
On May 14, participants finished the first level of program for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
The program is implemented by kmbs with the support of the Government of Canada and the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine.

"Being a leader in driving change in Ukraine's security and defense sector" — with these words, on May 14, participants completed the first level of program for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, implemented by kmbs with the support of the Government of Canada and the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine.

35 heads and deputies from the directorates of the Ministry of Defense and the Main Departments of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during 6 months of a special strategic program worked on creating and implementing business models, learning policy and governance, mastering human capital and productivity, and studying the interaction with a large number of other stakeholders in the security and defense sector.

In her welcome words, Gelena Savruk, Deputy Dean of kmbs and Head of the program, emphasized:

"Today, you do not just have a certificate of completion of this program. It is a shared vision, energy, values ​​, and management approaches that will help you ensure systematic interaction between different institutions, increase our country's defense capabilities, promote Euro-Atlantic integration, protect our nation, our state borders, and its sovereignty from the aggressor."

The Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Ihor Starobinskyi, was present at the closing ceremony of the program. He also greeted the participants and noted:

"The attention of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and our foreign partners was focused on this program. And today, we have once again made sure that the format implemented in kmbs is an effective way to train strategic leaders. This program laid the foundations for the formation of a new type of leadership. Its essence is the ability to create a vision, identify mission and expectations, inspire the team to achieve results."

An essential component of the program is the development of group projects based on the strategic goals of the Ministry and implemented by participants after training in kmbs. The first of the three levels of the program was focused on governance policy, defense management, and human capital.

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