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Educational Program Manager School is a specially developed educational program for those who want to work at kmbs.
Educational Program Manager School is a specially developed educational program for those who want to work at kmbs.
kmbs is looking for replenishing the team - those who believe in the driving force of education, who love and deeply understand people; those with an open mind and striving to create and promote educational products.

Kyiv-Mohyla Business School is constantly changing, growing and actively developing new business areas, projects and new relevant programs that contribute to the development of Ukraine. That is why we are continuously looking for replenishing the team - those who believe in the driving force of education, who love and deeply understand people; those with an open mind and striving to create and promote educational products.

These are rough portraits of whom we are looking for:

Manager of short- and medium-term management development programs: 

a caring person with a desire to help and willingness to listen, gain insight and understand what are the real needs of the client, as well as to find the best solution in each specific situation;

capable of understanding specifics of educational products and how business systems function;

ready to work without input instructions, but constantly analyzing causes and pre-causes together with the team; ready to put hands deep into the search for new solutions together with the team, to be involved in various processes and initiate changes.

Service Manager for Strategic Programs Office

 a sensitive to the service details person who cares about the needs of the client; who is interested in how business, state and other social systems work; who accepts the challenge of constant self-development and striving for more. 

How it will look like:

We do not conduct any "standard" interviews and screening of CVs. Instead of this, we offer to complete some exciting and challenging tasks and get to the final selection stage – Educational Program Manager training.

So, our way will be the following:

Fill out an application form till March 7th (but don't wait until the deadline, so you will have more time for step No. 2)

Complete a creative task till March 13th (don't wait until the deadline as well, as we will appreciate an opportunity to have more time to look through your work)

Come to a live meeting, play a game and get to know kmbs – it will take place in one of the evenings from March 18th till March 24th.

The culmination will be an intensive curriculum of the Program Manager School. Date: April 1-2.

Only then we will make a joint decision about our future. April 7th will be a special day for those who we continue our work with.

A little bit more information about the Educational Program Manager School and what you can learn there:

1. Training at the School is free.

2. The group will be formed based on the results of three previous selection steps.

 What the Educational Program Manager School has to offer:

a complete view of the current educational process: what it consists of, how it changes, what are the critical factors for the success of an educational product, what are the needs and expectations of clients-participants and clients-teachers;

exploration of stages for creation, promotion, preparation and conduction of training programs and collaboration with graduates;

awareness of the main challenges of educational organizations and a joint search for approaches to their solution;

study of service standards, interaction and principles of creating favourable learning atmosphere;

familiarization with the kmbs philosophy and connection with Mogylianka: why we are who we are and what do we work for?

and finally, this is an opportunity to become a part of kmbs team.

In case of any questions feel free to contact Julia:

[email protected]

+38 (073) 100 11 29.

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