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kmbs. Development in the new environment
kmbs. Development in the new environment

Dear friends, 

Nowadays we face a unique situation, which is both the test of our stability and the prompt to develop twice as fast, to look for non-standard solutions in business and to restructure interaction within communities. 

In these times it is we who have been challenged, and we have everything we need to pull through with minimal and unavoidable losses and to gain even more for further development.

kmbs has always been focused on value creation. Over the course of their training, program participants work on developing leadership skills and learn how to manage changes. The situation we face today is an opportunity to show personal abilities that entail responsibility for oneself and one's environment. Managerial abilities that help to prepare an organization to fulfill new tasks through ideas and culture. And, of course, the ability to create new rules of the game in open-type systems. Following kmbs training, executives are better prepared for these challenges.

kmbs continues its development in the new environment. We are currently moving our management development programs online and introducing new formats for virtual training at MBA programs. Moreover, we are actively improving Virtual Learning Environment kmbs, the environment based on virtual learning technologies, which will be made available to program participants even after they resume in-house training.

For kmbs, people are the most important capital. The school brings together extraordinary personalities who share their expertise, take responsibility at their roles and do their best to make the new format interesting to the participants. School lecturers bring best practices into online programs that not only help keeping the level of the material perception but also make the learning process more effective. In its turn, kmbs team has restructured internal processes, we are actively interacting using Zoom platform and already developing new training products.

kmbs is proud of its community. We are convinced that a group of people united by a positive idea can do more than a single individual. After all, new opportunities can be found only through a coordinated search, at the intersection of fundamentally opposite experiences. Current events prove that our participants and graduates are really strong-willed personalities. They are aware of their social responsibility and actively create charitable initiatives in companies and regions. We support them and will report their experiences, thus expanding the impact of our community during this time of trials.

kmbs is always in touch. We will be happy to start in-house training according to updated schedules once the quarantine is over. At the moment, our program managers will help each participant to learn a new format of interaction – all this to ensure that no obstacles could hinder the process of your personal development, development of your company, Ukraine, and the world.


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