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Diana Klochko won Yuri Shevelyov Prize this year
Diana Klochko won Yuri Shevelyov Prize this year
kmbs traditionally held the award ceremony on Yuriy Shevelyov's birthday

Yuri Shevelyov Prize was awarded on December, 17 at kmbs.  

Diane Klochko, an art critic and lecturer, won the Prize in 2019.

 Her work "65 Ukrainian masterpieces.  Recognized and Implicit”(ArtHuss) is a collection of essays about both known and unknown works of Ukrainian art expressed in modern language.  The author offers her explanations for each of the works, enriched with lots of cultural associations. Diana Klochko's essays skillfully combine an unputdownable form and a substance that helps to understand why selected works are so important to our contemporaries.

 In her speech, the author told how the idea of ​​the book came up:  

 “Last year, the ArtHuss publisher suggested that I could write a book about Ukrainian art.  To make up a presentation of 70-100 slides, to think openly for an hour and a half, getting instant feedback from the audience is one thing. But to create a subjective canon of Ukrainian art and write essays about it within six months is a task of another complexity. " Partly, due to the perception of Ukrainian art - it is called masterpiece as a subject of emotional response, rather than an intellectual instrument.  With some specific fear of how not to overprize Ukrainian. 

 Presenting Klochko's work, Volodymyr Yermolenko, a Ukrainian philosopher and writer, outlined that the book was a must-read for anyone who wanted to find out more about Ukrainian artists. In his opinion, the work is stylistically brilliant, and one can't help a desire to see the artworks described by the author. 

 kmbs traditionally held the award ceremony on Yuriy Shevelyov's birthday.  In his felicitation, kmbs dean Oleksandr Savruk thanked for the artistic journeys that Diana Klochko takes the reader to.  

 This year 13 books got longlisted the Prize, and three books were in the finals: “65 Ukrainian masterpieces.  Recognized and Implicit ”(Diana Klochko, ArtHuss Publishing House), "Surroundings and Borderlands" (Vasily Makhno, Yakaboo Publishing), "Yes, But… "(Taras Prohasko, Meridian Czernowitz). The founders of the Prize are the PEN Ukraine, the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, the Dukh i Litera Publishing House and the Harvard University Ukrainian Science Institute.  

kmbs sincerely congratulates Diana Klochko and all the finalists of the award!

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