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The fourth School of Educational Managers has started - a joint program of kmbs and Osvitoria!
The fourth School of Educational Managers has started - a joint program of kmbs and Osvitoria!
The fourth School of Educational Managers has started - a joint program of kmbs and Osvitoria!
35 educators joined the program, ready to work on finding an idea for their own educational system — a school, kindergarten, university or educational project.

Educational teams from Zhytomyr, Lviv, Rivne Oblast, Poltava Oblast, and other parts of Ukraine united to design a composition of joint strategic solutions to set the game's rules for more comprehensive systems — the city, community, region, and country.

One of the questions participants pondered in the program's first module was, what is an essential thing that should happen to a child at school? During the discussions, several hypotheses were reached about what conditions should be created in the educational system to help the child:

  • to hear one's calling and move toward its realization;
  • to be able to answer the question "Who am I?";
  • to form one's worldview;
  • find the beauty of learning;
  • to discover the world through surprise;
  • have space and enough freedom for mistakes;
  • learn to study independently.

With these hypotheses, the participants will work during the following learning modules and look for a composition of solutions relevant to their educational system and the context in which it is located. This is the main task of the academic manager — to be the system's architect that will enable the implementation of such decisions.

We are glad to welcome new members of the School of Educational Managers — a community of influential personalities united by the energy of creators and ready to create the future of Ukrainian education.

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