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Learning without borders
Learning without borders
Teachers of kmbs and Magellan Institute (Paris) conducted classes for the international HR community.

Kyiv-Mohyla Business School has always been serious about its international partnerships, among which is longstanding tutorship cooperation with Magellan Institute (Paris), allowing professors from both institutions to exchange lectures, case studies, and helpful practices.

Recently kmbs professor Maryna Starodubska joined Magellan Institute professors Jose-Maria Aulotte, former Group HR Director at Arc International, and Bertrand Coutier, former Vice-President HR International Mobility and Governance, Airbus Helicopters for an interactive lecture and a panel discussion.

Together they worked on a Ukrainian case study and discussed HRM and cultural aspects of a successful M&A with HR-practitioners with experience in France, UAE, Luxembourg, Canada, China, Spain, and other countries.

Among the discussion's highlights were: 5 key HRM strategy considerations during M&A; helping the acquiring and the acquired company evolve from managing risk to managing change; applying the cultural model analysis to design the necessary HR-interventions; three levels of HRM considerations critical for M&A success.

Magellan Institute is an International HRM-focused business school, started by the Magellan Circle - a professional network of over 300 multinational corporations bringing together ~1500 HR-professionals in France and dozens of other countries.

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