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OPEN CALL: Scholarships for Executive MBA program at kmbs
OPEN CALL: Scholarships for Executive MBA program at kmbs
Companies striving to solve social issues will receive 3 scholarships for Executive MBA program.

kmbs has been promoting development of leaders for the Ukrainian business community throughout the past 20 years.

 After all, we believe that high-quality education triggers a chain of important transformations, – both at a level of a person and up to levels of the company, the country and the world.

 Nowadays, we have decided to support businesses and organizations that focus their efforts on solving pressing social problems, and have established 3 scholarships for Executive MBA program.

 The scholarship covers 75 per cent of the MBA program cost.

 Therefore, if you:

 1. Have at least 3 years of management experience in a business or organization (charitable foundation, public organization, government agency), which activities are related to:

 — health care;

 — education;

 — social protection of the population/certain social groups;

 — environmental protection of the population;

— culture and art.

 2. If you aim for development and quality transformation of yourself and your organization;

 3. If you share the principle of “who else if not me” and wish to influence the development of society and the country;

 4. If you feel your own leadership and professional potential;

 5. If you are proficient in English at a level not lower than Upper-Intermediate (B2);

 kmbs community is waiting for you ?

 ➡️ Apply here

 Applications are accepted by June 14 (inclusive).


 The selection process will be held in two stages:

 1) We choose the applicants to be shortlisted;

 2) And then we invite potential scholarship holders for interviews with the program head.

 Learn more about Executive MBA program

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