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Autumn start of MBA programmes
Autumn start of MBA programmes
New participants of the Presidents' and Executive MBA programmes joined the kmbs community. Among them are owners and managers of Ukrainian businesses and organisations who have decided to start their own transformation and embarked on the path of change

During the first module, the participants got to know each other, the kmbs team, and the space in which they will spend the next 2 years learning, rethinking their ideas about business, making mistakes and overcoming challenges, and creating joint projects with like-minded people. 

 The participants include 5 scholarship holders - managers from public administration, the third sector and social entrepreneurs. We are convinced that joint training of entrepreneurs and managers from different sectors is more important now than ever before, as it allows us to join forces to repel the enemy and build the country after the war.

We welcome new members to the kmbs community and wish them successful transformations!


Photo: Valentyna Naumenko

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