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What makes us capable today? Education
19:00 - 21:00
Kyiv, street Voloska 8/5, 4th building of NaUKMA, 4th floor
Public event
What makes us capable today? Education
Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and Laboratory Publishing House are initiating three discussion panels, united by one question: What makes us capable today?
The event ended

The importance of education in today's world is as important as ever. However, the urgency of the issue of education today lies in accessibility. It is an indisputable fact that right now access to information and knowledge base is significantly different from any previous period of our history. At the same time, questions of the value of knowledge and information have the opposite side, because, in fact, accessibility just undermines the importance, as well as their fundamental necessity.


  • What exactly is education, knowledge and information today?
  • What are the formal and symbolic quality criteria?
  • What place do books occupy today in the hierarchy of information and knowledge?
  • Can we say that education significantly changes our lives and, accordingly, makes us capable?


We invite you to the first panel discussion with experts and a moderator, during which the value and current issues of education will be analyzed.

Moderator: Timur Demchuk - Head of Corporate learning kmbs and a lecturer at "Future" and kmbs.

Speakers: Anton Martinov - founder of the publishing house "Laboratory" and Librarius

Olena Severenchuk - Head of the Communication Office of the Small Academy of Sciences

Ivan Primachenko is a co-founder of the Prometheus platform of open online courses


Format: online / offline

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