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Presidents' MBA

Presidents' MBA

For business founders
dates of programs start
22/ 05/ 2025
17 months
16 training modules organized into five levels. The program includes 2 offsite modules and extracurricular activities. Preparation and defense of a master's project. Cross-cutting humanitarian component of the program.
1 595 000 uah
The cost of the program is UAH 1,450,000 including VAT, excluding the cost of logistics of offsite modules. Payment can be made in instalments over the first 10 months.
The Presidents' MBA program is designed to:
entrepreneurs with at least three years of business and strategic management experience
managers working with complex systems at the strategic level in conditions of turbulence and uncertainty
leaders who develop management teams and take responsibility in the face of radical change
personalities open to new ideas, ready to change along with the world
Taking the MBA program, you develop the following capabilities:
Understand the modern world and generate qualitatively new ideas
Create strategies for the development of complex systems in conditions of turbulence and uncertainty
Manage the activity and development of complex systems, their transformation, scaling, and internationalization
Manage strategic and portfolio investments in conditions of high volatility
Oleksandr Savruk more details
Eduard Maltsev more details
Olena Maltseva more details
Yevhen Pentsak more details
Oleksii Gerashchenko more details
Adjunct professor
Sergiy Nozdrachov more details
Adjunct professor
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Member profile
The average age of participants at MBA programs is 36 years old
The structure of the program
«Personal Strategies»
This level introduces participants to the curriculum, helps them get to know the school, the program, and each other. It introduces personal development strategies.
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"Strategy as rules of the game"
Provides a deep understanding of modern strategic concepts and their confident implementation.
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“Corporate strategies”
Prepares the participant to confidently perform the role of a strategic leader and helps to formulate a corporate development strategy.
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"Investment strategies"
Provides a deep understanding of corporate finance. Prepares the participant to confidently perform the roles of a strategic and portfolio investor.
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"Strategies in super-systems"
It strengthens the ability to strategize in modern conditions and to design business models and business ecosystems. Integrates management knowledge acquired while the program.
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Offsite modules of the PMBA program
The field modules complement the classroom modules of the program with the practice of “live cases”, i.e., visits to companies and institutions, discussions with their founders and top managers.
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The humanitarian component of PMBA
The humanitarian component is a series of humanitarian courses and events that are cross-cutting throughout the program.
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Integrating exercise
Master's project of the PMBA program
The master's project summarizes and integrates the understanding and skills developed throughout the program. Participants must demonstrate mastery of the acquired knowledge. Master's projects are based on participants' own enterprises and initiatives.
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Master's project
The master's project is an integral part of the kmbs MBA programs because it must demonstrate the manager's ability to think critically, creatively, systematically, and strategically and confidently operate with the concepts learned during training.
In the process of writing a master's project, participants have additional consultations with teachers and also go through a pre-defense, where they receive feedback on their work.
The final stage of work on the project is defense before the kmbs commission. A successfully defended master's project confirms that the participant can find solutions to management problems at a strategic level.
Graduates of MBA programs receive a master's degree in business administration from the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and a master's degree in management from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy - upon request.
The convocation is a tradition of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, which is also followed by kmbs. Every year on June 28, members of the MBA cohorts, whose studies have come to an end, put on their robes and academic caps and take part in a celebratory ceremony. The dean of kmbs and the heads of MBA programs welcome graduates to join the Alumni community, and the most ardent participants receive a "dean's award". This holiday is the most anticipated for graduates, teachers, and the school team.
Stories of our graduates
How to become a participant of the program:
Write an essay
Write an essay on «My role in business: yesterday, today, tomorrow»
Submit application
Fill in and submit an application form
An interview
Pass the interview with the program leader
For more information about the program, please contact
Marian Antoniuk
MBA program manager
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