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Enrolment for the kmbs grant program is open
Enrolment for the kmbs grant program is open
Application deadline is on September 10th.

kmbs continues to promote the development of Ukrainian leaders through quality education and reopens enrolment for a scholarship program!

We want to support communities and organizations that focus on solving current social problems and the development of Ukrainian social capital.

As for the autumn start, we offer 3 places for studying at the Executive MBA. Let us remind you that the grant covers 75% of the MBA program costs.

If you:

1. Have at least 3 years of management experience in an organization (charitable foundation, public organization, government agency), which activities are aimed at:

— healthcare;

— educational projects;

— social protection of the population;

— ecological safety and protection of the environment;

— culture, art, development of the humanitarian area.

2. If you aim for the development and scaling of yourself and your organization;

3. If you share the principle of “who if not me” and wish to influence the development of society and the country;

4. If you feel your own leadership and professional potential;

5. If you are proficient in English at a level not lower than Upper-Intermediate (B2);

The kmbs community is waiting for you!

Apply for the grant

[The deadline is on September 1st]

There will be two selection stages:

1. We will shortlist the candidates by September 13th;

2. We will be inviting potential grant-holders for the interviews with program managers within the period from September 14th untill September 25th.

More info about MBA by kmb

Good luck! ?

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