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A grant to study in the Executive MBA program is awarded to Mrs. Anastasiia Pakhomova, Mrs. Oleksandra Koltsova and Mrs. Daria Kutsenko.

Congratulations to the Executive MBA grant-holders Mrs. Anastasiia Pakhomova, Mrs. Oleksandra Koltsova and Mrs. Daria Kutsenko!

They have passed two stages of selection and will start training on June 22. 

Let us introduce you to our new participants:

Anastasiia is involved in development of corporate social partnership and helps to establish a dialogue between society and business.

Oleksandra aims to change the Ukrainian media landscape through her activity and contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

And Daria is a national expert on cooperation with International Technical Assistance projects and donor organizations.

We are thankful to all applicants for their interest in the program and their efforts! We are truly impressed by the number of initiative leaders who aim to change Ukraine for the better and we believe that we will see you again within the walls of kmbs. 

And we welcome our winners in the community! ?

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