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Maryna Starodubska earned the Master of Science degree
Maryna Starodubska earned the Master of Science degree

Our congratulations to Maryna Starodubska for getting the degree of the  Master of Science in Human Resources Management, Birkbeck, University of London!




We asked our professor how her studying experience at one of the best academic research schools helps her at kmbs.




– Maryna, tell us, how you use your acquired knowledge for the business school programs?




– From my thesis, I introduce the concept of an employer’s reputation I worked on into my programs and courses, namely on structure, influence power and change triggers. This is a cross functional theme that helps understand relations between PR and HR functions better.




Also, among other studying theories, I use Schema Theory, People-Performance Causal Chain, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Leader-Member Exchange Model, Schwartz Basic Values Theory, Employer Branding and Knowledge Model та Four Performance Behaviors, which help to structurally understand correlations between people’s value behaviour and business efficiency, between company reputation in the eyes of its leaders and quality of relations with stakeholders, systematic approach in HR and sources of competitive advantage in management of people, justice acceptance at work and productivity.




My job as a teacher and research leader in a number of kmbs programs is to help working professionals and managers put into practice leading scientific models with a proven evidence base. Not “what's trendy, but what's working.”




– Have you seen interesting learning practices at Birkbeck you’d like to introduce into work with kmbs participants?




– I clearly understood the importance of thorough preparation of presentation materials, as participants return to them regularly. Therefore, each of my presentations is a methodical selection of scientific models and cases to illustrate them. I also plan to implement structured case discussions. This is when the group discusses the case not only using their experience and program materials, but according to certain requirements for the preparation of decisions and arguments.




Nearest management development programs where Maryna Starodubska teaches:

            TOPs’ reboot: leader, team, system – http://bit.ly/2zwEwXv

            Cross-Cultural Communication: partners, clients, teams [ENG] — http://bit.ly/3i2Lsxi

            Internal communications and corporate culture – http://bit.ly/2XyeJ9B




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