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Ideas about leadership are changing, and management needs to be learned
Ideas about leadership are changing, and management needs to be learned
Ideas about leadership are changing, and management needs to be learned
Each era makes new demands on the profile of a leader. The context of an age – the cultural and historical field in which leaders can operate – ultimately restarts and reimagines the very notion of leadership.

Not long ago, we talked about leadership in business in terms of geeks and old men ("Geeks and Geezers" by Warren G. Bennis, Robert J. Thomas). Now, it is clear that a completely different portrait of a leader is being born. They gathered to talk about its main features at the "MBA. leadership Victory " event," participants, graduates, and heads of MBA programs kmbs. The event was moderated by the head of Executive MBA kmbs, Olena Zhyltsova.

"Quiet, intellectual, thinking leadership," according to Evgen Pentsak, head of the MBAF kmbs program, is always relevant. Trying to apply an economic model to understanding leadership, he attempted to explain it through the concept of marginal utility. Everyone with the available resources should think about the best he can do to implement the idea at each moment. And the role of the leader in this is unifying. "The unifying idea at the modeling level gives significant measurable synergistic effects," emphasized Yevgeny.

Of course, the vector of the conversation was influenced by the awareness of the particular situation in which Ukraine is now.

A modern leader in Ukraine "must be ready to review the place and role of his company in wider systems, as well as his roles in his company and the surrounding society",  believes Arsen Zhumadilov, General Director of SE "Medical Procurement of Ukraine," Executive MBA participant, and now a military man.

"Leadership is the courage to have one's position and make one's choice," noted Aryna Satovska, head of the NGO Community, volunteer, and EMBA graduate.

However, Oleksiy Volkov, co-founder and executive director of EnerGym, a graduate of EMBA, added to Arina's opinion, "a leader must always be aware of the consequences of such a choice and remember that every action has its consequences, and other people also depend on the leader." Therefore, the main feature of a modern leader should be responsiveness.

"Today is a time of new opportunities not only for the company on the market, but it can also be a chance to reveal the leadership abilities of your colleagues," noted Oleksandra Koltsova, author, singer, producer, and EMBA participant. "The leader's task is to see this and create an environment for developing leadership potential."

The event guest, Artur Mikhno, co-founder of the Work.ua resource, joined the conversation. He supported the opinion that a leader cannot afford not to have a position and also noted the change from functional leadership to meaningful leadership. And among the highly desirable traits for a leader, he said the love of uncertainty.

Without denying that certain leadership qualities can be innate and that they can and should be developed, everyone agreed that the ability to manage is not intuitive. "Management needs to be learned," emphasized Eduard Maltsev, head of the Presidents' MBA, which is what kmbs does.

All participants of the event, as well as the authors of the best questions, received books from the "Laboratory" publishing house: "Beyond the pyramid of needs" by Scott Kaufman and "Being a leader" by David Rubinstein. We want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the "Laboratoriya" publishing house for consistently supplying us with high-quality professional literature.

The next event is "MBA. Finances. "Victory" will take place on October 21.

Recruitment for MBA programs at kmbs continues!

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