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Message from Oleksandr Savruk, the Dean of kmbs
Message from Oleksandr Savruk, the Dean of kmbs
Message from Oleksandr Savruk, the Dean of kmbs

Dear colleagues,

The attack of the Russian aggressor on our country has changed the world, has changed the country, and has changed our processes, but certainly, it has not changed our approaches and priorities. Like the courageous Ukrainian people, our Mohyla community has come to fight against the dark force bribing, tearing apart, and looting our country, our land for centuries. Against the force brought up and trained to do one thing — to destroy. To destroy everything that carries freedom and dignity. They will never understand us, the people who, despite everything, kept love, imagination, creation, and personal responsibility. And as we see today, it is this personal leadership, this responsibility that we have talked about so much in our classrooms, that ensures the stability and effectiveness of actions to protect Ukraine. 

In various roles, our community members — students (present and future), graduates, and school staff — are actively working to benefit the country in today's context. There are many of these stories and initiatives; we can't cover all of them. However, we will try to cover at least some. To this end, on our resources, we have launched a special project #кожен (#everyone), where we would like to feel each other and what our community, the kmbs community, is doing today a bit more. 

We are a school of managers. Our homework is done. And now, we have returned to our managerial roles. In public administration. In the army. In business. In education. In volunteer projects. In financial and medical institutions. 

We are a "Soft Skills" School. We have always been attentive to Human beings. And we have always cherished love and attention to the people around us, to those who need help.

We are ready to interact with "open systems" logic and new opportunities that provide flexibility and sustainability for our management decisions. 

We have always realized that it is not enough to get out of a crisis. Ultimately, we need to move on to another level of development, creating visions for the systems that will multiply people's creative efforts in global contexts. We will show the world that Ukrainians have not just courage and leadership in times of military crisis but also leadership in projected development. 

As of now, our "floor" looks quiet. Here we always feel our participant's energy, dreams, and decisions of those strong people who protect and defend what is dear to us now. And they create, they give birth to something new for Ukraine — to decisions, rules of the game, and systems. They take the best from our character and culture and, provide continuity, create the future. The school holds energy. Your energy. Creative and strong. It seems to understand that everyone is busy now and involved in significant, urgent matters. It forgives us for not meeting in this aesthetic and cozy space, for moving back to electronic communication. And it awaits. 

And so are we. We are also waiting. And we believe that we will meet soon. With our usual warm hugs. We meet as the winners. As is always the case. 

Oleksandr Savruk, Dean of kmbs

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