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Kyiv-Mohyla Business School welcomes new MBA participants
Kyiv-Mohyla Business School welcomes new MBA participants
Kyiv-Mohyla Business School welcomes new MBA participants
55 new participants started studying at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School under the MBA program.

On October 28, the next MBA program started at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. It will be attended by 55 people. The first day was dedicated to getting acquainted with kmbs, programs and their leaders, with each other.

Participants were greeted in the introductory speech by program managers and managers.

Eduard Maltsev, Deputy Dean of kmbs and Head of Presidents' MBA, emphasized the MBA's leading concept of "limitation". According to him, this will be the goal and task for the participants in the coming years: to feel their limitations and overcome them. And personal transformation will inevitably trigger a chain reaction and will affect all spheres of life, including work in particular. 

To succeed in the creative economy means to be able to pull yourself out of the information and intellectual flow. Olena Zhyltsova, the Head of the Executive MBA, drew attention to such a common piece of advice, but occasionally clarified: such an approach will never be an express method, it only involves "deep diving". 

"I don't like the word start," said Yevhen Pentsak, the Head of the MBAF, picking up and finalizing the observations of his colleagues, "because the start involves the finish." The story that began today for MBA participants does not foresee a finale: to acquire new forms is an endless process. To know the world comprehensively and as deeply as possible, and to change together with them. Understand how the system works and therefore understand how the functional works. And this path for program participants has just begun. 

"I will not tell you: the world is changing," - a little in contrast (as it seemed at first glance) began his welcoming speech by Dean kmbs Olexander Savruk. The atmosphere, which consists of communication, community, values, and that new participant will become a part of it, is important. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy itself, as a phenomenon of leadership potential, in particular, shapes this atmosphere. And the atmosphere works because it is formed in the field of divided values. Alexander Savruk emphasized them. Individuals influence the world that changes with them, individuals develop, not grow - and there is no need to explain to individuals that the world is changing. It is not the knowledge and skills that matter at this stage, but the meanings, the long work with the essential things that each participant will be able to convert into their own context. “Success in your case is a disadvantage. The bar can and should be formed on other principles. " And of course that creativity, because all this becomes possible due to non-standard solutions that take you beyond.

Each participant had one minute to tell something important about themselves. To relieve the tension and help a little, a random question from the "Marcel Proust Questionnaire" was added to their business cards. Already on the fifth or sixth acquaintance, the recognition effect became noticeable: many of the participants were led to kmbs by similar requests, they aim at similar tasks. First of all, self-development and personal transformation. Roman Subach, who was the first to introduce himself, very convincingly stated: "It's time to reset and look for a new breath."  

At the end of his speech, the dean congratulated the new participants on joining the “community that cannot do without each other”: “We do not need external validation. And our ability is what unites us. ” A sense of community and shared responsibility, what is called, is the benefit of related work, she defined this holiday. 

So, first, the participants were addressed directly by program managers and managers, then each of them spoke briefly about themselves, then - learned something important about the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and its values, then - deepened their understanding of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. her DNA was told by Timur Demchuk, manager of management development programs. In the next few days they will get acquainted with Kyiv and Podil in particular. This intense day was similar to the immersion that Olena Zhyltsova promised to the participants in her welcoming speech.

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