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Executive Development Programs
Strategic thinking. Strategic Concept in Business
dates of programs start
3 modules
2+2+1 day
55 000 uah
Strategic thinking. Strategic Concept in Business
‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’ Albert Einstein
Program's Target Audience: CEOs and founders of the companies who:
are willing to give new meanings to their business: what does my company work for? Who is our customer? What value are we creating for our customer?
seeking new growth points and new business models
ready to transform their own companies
What does the Program provide?
ability to work with strategic DNA of a system. Conceptual key points to work with business systems
understanding how to influence the whole system instead of adjusting its separate components
principles of implementing the systematic thinking in business
approach to form a strategic concept as a prerequisite for developing a strategy
understanding the logic of creating, adjusting and developing business systems
The structure of the program
Philosophy of the Program
Who is this program for?

You need to achieve outcomes today. You most certainly have a plan and control - either from you or over you. Your goal is to achieve, to grow, and this is how your management skills and competencies are implemented. You are a talent that has been realized - and this is what you respect yourself for. And others respect you even more for it. You are a manager.


Then you don't need this program.


This program will bring together those who will not be thanked for their work, because the results of this work will not be visible either today or tomorrow. And it will not be possible to measure them. The results of their decisions today will most likely no longer belong to them in any physical manifestation. They will only appear over time. Perhaps. One day. And with the multiplication of their efforts. And will be implemented by other talents. Management talents.


The new world is created by these people. A community of people who, thanks to their own power of thought and ability to make complex decisions, allow themselves to be the responsible creator of new rules of the game. Because this is their vocation. These are the people who do not need external validation. They are able to give themselves their own account of their work. Their goal can be bigger than their life. This is how leaders manifest themselves in today's context. This is how a soldier on the front line thinks. And so does his manager. This is how nobility manifests itself. The nobility of the new time. And there is a sense of continuity from those who, in the past, provided us with our current opportunities.


This is an informal club of people who are working on developing their not-so-practical, but eventually very practical capabilities. They have a different perception of the world. They take the right to think and act in this way. Because there is no one else to do that.


Their intelligent menu includes systemic thinking, philosophy, working with meanings, the logic of synthesis and design approaches, modeling complex social systems, finding harmonious compositional solutions, using natural forces and attracting resources that do not belong to them. To see the invisible for the majority. To work with ideas. To liberate subjective forces. To change the rules of the game.


And to do this, you have to work on yourself. On your own thinking. On understanding. Priorities. Methodologies. Let it all go through you, in your own context. To bring ourselves to the level of leadership that time has set for us.


This program is an introduction to this ungrateful but noble world. Where intellectual courage is valued more, as are the people who have it.

What is going to happen?

The program consists of three modules and involves a lot of personal work and case analysis. We will learn about the methodologies of systemic thinking, creative design thinking, and the author's methodology for modeling social systems. During the program each participant prepares own strategic decision at the level of a system model in their own context.


3 modules
The schedule and description of the modules
[10:00 - 18:00]
Module 1 [September 25-26] The nature of strategy

What is the necessity of transition to an open systems strategy?

What are the natural foundations of the existence and quality development of business systems?

The logic of changing the rules of the game at the strategic level.

Module 2 [October 23-24] Strategic idea in business

Methodology of the value (product) and client dimension as a compositional basis for modeling the infrastructure of social systems: companies, organizations, communities.

Module 3 [November 20] Practical part of the program

Together with the group, we will analyze the strategic decision on the system design of each of the participants.

Admission requirements
Preparing for the program is already part of learning experience.

The application process includes several stages. Candidates reflect on the topic "My roles in company management" in a 2-page essay format. How your role has changed over the years, where the levers of influence have been, what is the value of these roles, the reasons for taking these roles, and in what way you would like to see your role in the future?

Oleksandr Savruk more details
Eduard Maltsev more details
Olena Maltseva more details
Oksana Shchegelska more details
Adjunct professor
Tymur Demchuk more details
Visiting professor
Kateryna Molodecka more details
What do you need to attend?
Application form
fill out the online application form
speak with the Program Manager
pass the selection process by writing an essay and finding a recommendation from an alumnus
55 000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Kateryna Kapra
EDP program manager
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